I would like to express my greatest appreciation to all those who guided me to complete this 10 days of work immersion. Discover practical samples and helpful guidelines for writing an impactful acknowledgement for your internship report.ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I would like first to thank The Almighty God for his blessing, God health and enabling me to complete my attachment. The author expresses gratitude to various parties for the opportunity to complete an internship. In the main portion of your internship report, you will describe the specific things you learned and the skills you cultivated. Acting in the County of Cackland. In addition to that, keep the tone in a light but not too light, nor too serious tone. Learn how to write a professional acknowledgement letter for your internship report with sample examples. The web-based Intern Placement Tracking data management system maintains and reports information about field placement organizations, supervisors, and students. Import based companies along with the functions the sales and marketing department performs.