It is my great pleasure to acknowledge your magnificent Hewlett-matched pledge to the University, and to the Graduate School of Public Policy in particular. EJI's Community Remembrance Project supports coalitions in their efforts to memorialize documented victims of racial violence throughout history.This large public housing complex was part of the post-World War II federal and city government effort to create affordable standardized living conditions. PMO will briefly present the documents at the next Chief's meeting (occurs weekly) and confirm that the project is in the. Montgomery County's Roads and Bridges team works tirelessly to ensure the projects they take on are completed safely, on time and on budget. In a concise manner, mention and thank the individuals that provided educational, moral and financial support. Fill out the Vacation Notification Form PDF and mail to Montgomery Twp. This article talks everything about Acknowledgement for Project and explains how to write an acknowledgment for a college project. Steps to be appointed a notary public. Download Notary Application.