I have reviewed the file and I certify that there is a training plan. If this is the final request, I certify that there is an updated final training plan.The writer thanks the recipient for the opportunity to complete an on-the-job training program with their company as part of their education. I would like to convey my gratefulness to you and your colleagues for the excellent OJT which I have undergone in your company. • OJT Documents: o OJT Acknowledgement. Form o OJT Obligation Form o OJT Pre-award. This instrument was acknowledged before me on ______(date) by________________(name of person holding power of attorney) as attorney-in-fact for. To determine when apprentices have satisfactorily met all requirements of their apprenticeship, to recommend their acceptance as Journeymen, and to obtain and. This instrument was acknowledged before me on ______(date) by________________(name of person holding power of attorney) as attorney-in-fact for. Relate to the GCU Professional Dispositions of Learners.