While the Law requires certain disclosures, this statement includes disclosures beyond the basic requirements of the Law in an effort to. Pennsylvania Personal History Disclosure Form (Initial or Renewal).SECTION 1: Please fill in the name of the individual completing this application. Required disclosure provisions. Any non-exempt seller is obligated to complete the disclosure form even if the seller does not occupy or has never occupied the property. The outline of coverage shall be in the language and format required in this paragraph in no less than 12 point type. (1) Provide the newborn's birth parents with an opportunity to complete an acknowledgment of paternity. Provide all available records and reports on the presence of leadbased paint and leadbased paint hazards in the housing being sold or leased. Filers must answer all questions and submit all requested information, unless otherwise directed in the Specific Instructions. Capitalized terms not otherwise defined have the same meaning as those terms used in the Program Disclosure Statement.