I would like to thank my principal Sister Priscilla and Maths teacher Sir Nishant, chose valuable guidance has been the ones that helped patch this project. This document summarizes an additional mathematics project completed in 2014.Use the samples provided below as a guidance to draft you own, and do not copy it. In this article, I am going to share Samples of Acknowledgement For School Project file Class 9. This document provides an overview of index numbers and their uses in statistics. The article shares samples of acknowledgments for school projects in Class 9, inspiring and guiding readers to craft their own acknowledgments. Explore 8 samples of acknowledgements for your maths project. Learn how to express gratitude and create a well-organized maths project file. The article shares samples of acknowledgments for school projects in Class 9, inspiring and guiding readers to craft their own acknowledgments. You should only include a few sentences in your acknowledgment for a mathematics project unless it involves more extensive research.