AI tools used for writing assistance should be included in the Acknowledgment section. The researchers would like to thank the Almighty God for His enduring grace, guidance, and protection that He has bestowed upon us during this research project.The culminating thesis essay should represent your strongest scholarly work in the. This document acknowledges and thanks several individuals who provided support and guidance during the completion of a research study. It should demonstrate your mastery of a selected topic and mode of inquiry, and represent your strongest work. This piece will explore the intricacies of crafting acknowledgments for papers, offering valuable insights, practical advice, and sample acknowledgments. The document acknowledges and thanks various individuals who provided support and guidance during the completion of the author's research work. Additionally, this endeavor would not have been possible without the generous support from the MacArthur Foundation, who financed my research. Who are most commonly acknowledged? Theory, and Applied Research) and a sociology writing-intensive senior seminar.