When submitting the completed cards, place the cards that contain all of the required information into a group and attach a signed acknowledgement that the. Please rise for the opening acknowledgements in honor of Sacramento's Indigenous People and Tribal Lands.To the original people of this land. Land Acknowledgement: With respect, we acknowledge the Rocklin Campus of Sierra College as the traditional and unceded land of the Nisenan and Miwok peoples. Response: The written, signed and sealed complete document(s) submitted according to the proposal instructions. Our mission is to provide inspiration, leadership, support, and advocacy that ensures equity and access to high-quality education for all students. The Sacramento County Behavioral Health Services (BHS) includes the Mental. WUSD offers a free preschool program serving children who reside in West Sacramento. Discover Pinterest's best ideas and inspiration for Hindi acknowledgement for project. Get inspired and try out new things.