My acknowledgment follows a similarly simple route, as I spell out in detail the reasons I am thanking Tiffany and the Book In A Box team. Remember: people will read this, so make it good.Discover practical tips for writing book acknowledgements and expressing gratitude to those who contributed to your writing journey. WITNESS my hand and official seal. Signature. (Seal). A notary public or other officer completing this certificate verifies only the identity of the individual. The mission of the Clerk-Recorder's Office is to secure, preserve, and make accessible the County's vital, business, and official records. The certificate of acknowledgment (PDF) must be in the form set forth in California Civil Code section 1189. Fill-out this form for any items you are suggesting library staff to review to purchase. Learn how to write your book acknowledgments section with samples and examples from best selling authors. Find out how to on the Scribe blog.