"The family of Deceased Individual would like to thank you for your condolences and sympathy in our time of mourning. Example 1:​​ You were good for me, and I will pay the kindness forward to the postgraduate students under my supervision.I would like to express my deepest appreciation to all those who provided me the possibility to complete this report. In a concise manner, mention and thank the individuals that provided educational, moral and financial support. I am grateful for the privilege of the work I do and also like to reflect on who I've been: How have I shown up? Have I shown up consistently? Acknowledgment receipts are useful for confirming that employees have received handbooks, policies and other employmentrelated agreements. Acknowledgment samples can either be in the form of a written page or as a speech. There are several rules that you need to follow in making a speech. In this article, you will get a sample acknowledgment for group assignments, group projects, reports, and individual assignments.