Most court documents are provided as PDF files. Contact Us: City Hall Address: 2263 Santa Clara Avenue Alameda, CA 94501 (510) 747-7400The attorney filing a case should complete the form as follows: I. a) Plaintiffs-Defendants. This form can serve as a template for providing the state court with notice of removal to federal court. Welcome to the City of Alameda Permit Center. The Permit Center is the central location for obtaining Building, Fire, Planning, and Special Events permits. See section 6-58.110, AMC for more information on the City of Alameda's requirements for termination of tenancy notices. Soil could inadvertently fill cracks in the soil where larvae occur. 735.2929 or 711 to use the California Relay Service. • In writing: Fill out a complaint form or write a letter and send it to: Alameda Alliance for Health.