Defendant(s) had no lease agreement and have failed to vacate the premises after being given a termination notice, if applicable, and a demand to surrender. Requirements: File the original plus one copy of the civil cover sheet, a supplemental civil cover removal sheet and a Notice of Removal.You may click here to go to our Forms page. Under Business Personal Property Forms, select Personal Property Rendition. Learn more about the trial process and the rules of the court. View plea options that can be submitted for court cases. The landlord must deliver to you a written "Notice to Vacate" with a moveout date. This form is used to set up direct deposit for child support payments. The notice of removal should be filed in the federal district court for the district and division in which the state court action is pending. In a civil case, the notice of appeal must be filed with the US District Clerk's Office within 30 days after the judgment is entered.