All Illinois Courts must accept these forms. Scroll down below the chart for important information on how to fill out these forms.Domu's free 5 day notice to vacate template helps Chicago landlords start the eviction process with minimal stress. Filing a civil case is a four -part process: 1) open the case, 2) file the Notice of Removal 3) file the civil cover sheet, and 4) file the attorney appearance. Use this form if you were sued for eviction after your landlord posted the eviction notice on your door. Illinois Legal Aid Online provides a guided interview called an Easy Form that will help you fill out the forms. An Illinois eviction notice allows a landlord to warn a tenant that they have violated their lease agreement and must vacate the premises. The word document available for download below is a template 30 day notice seeking to terminate a tenant's month-to-month lease. This form document contains a template 30 day notice, and therefore may not be directly applicable to your legal dispute. I would like to express my gratitude for the opportunity to live in the rental property.