Illinois Legal Aid Online provides a guided interview called an Easy Form that will help you fill out the forms. All forms below with a "fillable icon" are documents that you can open "on-line", fill in the appropriate fields and then print on your printer.All Illinois Courts must accept these forms. Scroll down below the chart for important information on how to fill out these forms. Removal may be permitted based on "complete preemption. In the United States District Court for the District of Columbia, the term "federal statute" includes any Act of Congress that applies locally to the District. The defendant files a motion to remove in federal court, a notice to the same effect in state court, and gives notice to all the parties. If you are released and your address is wrong, fill out the Update My Address form as soon as possible. Shall file in the district court of the United State for the district and division within which such action is pending a notice of removal…