Establish property records and record real estate transactions within Hennepin County. All documents submitted must be originals or certified copies.A granted expungement means that the case and all documents filed within are removed from the court's record and will not be publicly accessible. Please be advised that the forms detailed below are intended to be a guide and as such do not address every possible situation. Tenants who move out of a rental unit, or sublet their unit without giving the owner 30 days' written notice, lose the protection of the disclosure law. You will be required to fill out a uniform conciliation court form. If you ask, a person from the court administrator's office will help you complete the form. Standing any failure to comply with the notice period, so long as notice is given not less than six. You will be required to fill out a uniform conciliation court form. If you ask, a person from the court administrator's office will help you complete the form.