The State Court Action concerns a commercial loan made in the initial amount of. Looking for local rules and forms?Once a date is obtained from the Assigned Judge's Clerk, the requesting party shall cause a Notice of Hearing (form CCF-82A) to be filed with the Clerk of Court. Removal is the process of transferring a case from state court to federal court. There are three ways the taxpayer can respond to a garnishment: Pay the full total tax liability. These rules shall govern the procedure in the superior and district courts of the State of North Carolina in all actions and proceedings of a civil nature. These rules shall govern the procedure in the superior and district courts of the State of North Carolina in all actions and proceedings of a civil nature. : Fill out the "Complaint in Summary Ejectment" form accurately. How to E-file a Notice of Removal. Jurisdictional Transfer During Appeal of Final or Partial Final Judgment in Circuit Court.