File this form in District Court, City Court, Town Court or Village Court. Send a clear written notice; Fill out the forms; Serve the tenant; Attend the trial; Wait for judgment.No eviction process is the same. Upon vacating, the tenant should leave the apartment in clean condition, removing all personal belongings and trash from the apartment, and making any minor. Landlord(s) must complete a Case Information Statement and file it with the court with the complaint. Sheriff will place you in possession of your property and complete a. Does the landlord have to give the tenant notice to remove the property? • Do not fill in the "Notice of Motion" section until the court gives you a hearing date. You can start an eviction (unlawful detainer) case if your tenant didn't do what you asked for in the Notice and the deadline in the Notice has passed. Please be advised that the Orange County Housing Authority will not be able to enter into a.