SERVICE TO BE ISSUED ON (Please List Exactly As The Name Appears In The Pleading To Be. Served):. For Fall 2025 tenth grade admissions, Townsend Harris admits the top-performing applicants from across each middle school and citywide.Effective January 1, 2014, the Supreme Court of Texas mandated that all attorneys must electronically file court documents in the Harris County Probate Courts. To create an account on Harris CSCD's client portal, you will need to provide your email address and obtain the Web Access Instructions from your officer. Inauguration Day is January 20, 2021 You have the opportunity to write a friendly letter to VP Kamala Harris. Seesaw instructions 1. What specific skills or qualities do you think I should highlight in the letter? Call Harris County Elections at (713) 755-6965. The voter services team is dedicated to walking voters through the process of filling out applications. Policy Memo Template.