This guide is designed to teach you how to write a letter of instruction for heirs, or anyone else who may benefit from a little more direction. In this blog post, we'll delve into what a letter of instruction is, why it's essential, and how to craft one with finesse and ease.A letter of last instruction is an organized way for you to give your family all the facts about your finances—and have a basic tool for your own. A letter of instruction can complement an estate plan and provide your loved ones with additional details about your assets and wishes after death. Identify the Property to be levied: You are required to identify and specifically describe the property to be levied upon. Use letter of instruction template to give another party order or authority to carry out specific instructions. A letter of instruction (aka a letter of intent) is an informal document where you can provide personal instructions that aren't included in your will. Do you know how to find out if you are a beneficiary on a bank account? For example, you may need a death certificate to claim a benefit. Lesson Objective: To identify the purpose and key points in the Declaration of Independence.