The following examples of civilian models of address, salutation, and complimentary close are used in the preparation of Navy business-format letters. ATTN stands for Attention Required.The Attention Line is placed above the Recipient Line, that is, above the name of the firm to which the mailpiece is directed. The IEP Team should consider areas of concern that may impact the student's progress in education. If you need to respond to a summons and complaint that has been served on you, our Massachusetts Trial Court Law Libraries have materials that can help. It's seldom necessary these days to use "To the attention of: —-" in addressing a letter. Typically, you use an attention line in a formal business letter, such as when you're making a professional request. SAMPLE. Member to fill out. Must be paid to authorized dealer. Example: A student has been diagnosed with severe ADHD and has just begun taking the proper medication.