This is a comprehensive list of forms, applications, checklists and guidelines for permitting, plan review, inspections and more. 1. Completely fill out all three (3) Diligent Search Letters (Form B) with your information, the other party's information and have them NOTARIZED.Applicants are required to submit the 2 hard copies of all the application documents and 4 hard copies of the traffic study to the address below. SOFIA (State Of Florida Interactive Access) was created to allow you to electronically complete court documents using easy to follow interviews. All forms are printable and downloadable. Student Petition Instructions (Miami Dade College). Below you will find a list of Building Forms to be completed and submitted as document attachments to your online CSS permit application as required. District template must be used. Submittal of Charter School Applications. To fill out this form, ensure you have all the required documents and information on hand.