Complete the information using this form or a written or electronic format of your choice. Make copies of the Notice form and serve one (mail or hand-deliver) to each of the heirs, devisees, and all other interested parties you listed in the Petition.The Court has forms and instructions, for some types of cases, as a general guide to the court process. The following draft forms and instructions are for software vendor use only, to recreate substitute electronic forms. This free program helps you create a letter to request the return of a security deposit in Minnesota. A Letter of Instruction is a detailed document that provides specific guidance on how to handle administrative tasks associated with one's stock accounts. This guide is designed to teach you how to write a letter of instruction for heirs, or anyone else who may benefit from a little more direction. A Letter of Instruction is a detailed document that provides specific guidance on how to handle administrative tasks associated with one's stock accounts. This free program helps you create a letter to request the return of a security deposit in Minnesota. Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 322C.