Per Minnesota Statutes, section 120A. Instructions to the absent voter shall be transmitted with the absentee ballot materials sent or delivered to the absent voter.If notary, must affix stamp. I certify that: • the voter showed me the blank ballot before voting;. For more information, contact your court administrator or call the Minnesota State Law Library at 651-297-7651. INSTRUCTIONS. Follow the instructions for (DHS8349) (PDF) to have the court give you legal authority to act on behalf of an estate. Statutory requirements are cited along with recommendations in an effort to achieve quality and consistency in Subdivision Plats and Registered Land. If you own or manage a rental property and rent living space to someone, you must provide a CRP to each renter if either of these apply: Once you receive the MN eCVI PDF file via email, save the attachment to your computer. Minnesota Health Care Programs. 1.2.