This screencast is designed to assist you in completing a case management statement and will also discuss the mediation statement. A sample filled-in form with instructions is available at the end of this Guide. 2.This screencast is designed to help you complete the papers necessary to change your name through the Superior Court of California. This guide gives the steps to write and file such a motion, and includes templates you can adapt to fit your situation. It is with great pleasure I write to support the grant application of the Sacramento County Office of Education for funding from the competitive grant program. Complete either the "California Licensed Contractor's Declaration" OR the "Owner-Builder Declaration" in this section. Sacramento, CA 95825. We've helped hundreds of thousands of riders achieve their dreams, let us help you too. The school has a strong Dual Enrollment partnership with. Join the International Facility Management Association (IFMA) for comprehensive resources, networking, and professional development in facility management.