Inmates may not receive packages except when authorized for medical reasons. Letters should be addressed as follows: Inmate name and offender number.Hello everyone, and thank you for your willingness to take part in this community science effort! Mary Isabella Horne, Elmina S. Taylor, and Serepta M. Heywood, "To the Presidents and Members of the Relief Society of Salt Lake Stake of Zion, Greeting! You can email documents to file with the court. This page has email filing instructions only. List your institutions in reverse-chronological order, meaning the current or most recently attended school should be first. (This will probably be SLCC.). A letter of instruction is a document that guides a designated individual or entity on how to carry out specific actions or wishes after the author's demise. The following list contains lessons and activities that can be used within the classroom setting to help gain a better understanding of the Great Salt Lake.