Instructors must provide each student who attends their course with a copy of the approved course outline. To properly teach the Utah concealed firearm permit course, in person instruction consisting of a minimum of four hours is recommended.This page helps you understand how to homeschool legally in Utahstepbystep. To self-surrender: Complete the CCW Self-Surrender form which can be located below or under the "Applications and Fees" tab. Please be prepared to upload a copy of the following when completing the Report Your Arrival E-form: 1. To make an 83(b) election, you must complete the following steps within 30 days of your grant date: • Complete the IRS 83(b) form on page 2. Describe the school community (e.g. , students, teachers, secretary, custodian, principal). ReadyRosie. Your Department's Letterhead. (MAT 10 Section 2 Field 9).