The client may also complete Form CW 2209 Immunization Good Cause Request Form. a. Blank Application Forms.The below forms may be dropped at a secure drop box, at one of our offices, during regular business hours, am to pm. Canine rabies vaccination exemption requests must be submitted to Alameda County Vector Control. The following completed documents must be submitted: 1. State of California "Rabies Vaccination Certificate – Exemption from Canine Rabies Vaccination Form". 2. As of January 1, 2021, all medical exemptions will be submitted electronically directly into the California Immunization Registry Medical Exemption (CAIR-ME). If you are interested in requesting a "pop-up" mobile vaccination clinic, please fill out the form linked below. First 5 to get information out on vaccination options. Fill out the City's temporary no parking form no later than two business days prior to your move.