Download the Act 50 Applications(PDF, 1MB) and complete it. To apply for a veteran's exemption, contact Allegheny County Veterans' Services at 412-621-4357 to schedule an appointment.The Taxpayer Relief Act provides for property tax reduction allocations to be distributed to school districts through a "homestead or farmstead exclusion." Eligible Veterans must submit the initial exemption application form to the assessor. There is a deadline for filing. A property owner must be approved and qualified for ACT 50, the homestead exemptions, (through Allegheny County) in order to receive ACT 1 school tax relief. County Treasurer's Office provides assistance in completing the application for individuals who require help. 436 Grant Street Allegheny County Courthouse To fill out the one-time Homestead Tax Credit Application (principal residence assessment cap). To fill out the one-time Homestead Tax Credit Application (principal residence assessment cap).