Download the Act 50 Applications(PDF, 1MB) and complete it. The Taxpayer Relief Act provides for property tax reduction allocations to be distributed to school districts through a "homestead or farmstead exclusion."Allegheny County has several programs that may help to reduce or eliminate a property tax bill. The mission of the Department of Community and Economic Development (DCED) is to foster opportunities for businesses to grow and for communities to succeed. 1. Fill in the parcel number of the property for which you are seeking a homestead exclusion. The application must be filed no later than ten years after the levy of taxes upon the assessment roll on which the renounced exemption appears. Act 77 Property Tax Relief Verification Form 2020(PDF, 155KB). Act 50 – Homestead Tax Exemption. Welcome to the Glass Lofts located in the East End of the City of Pittsburgh.