Place an "X" in the box to the left of the disease(s) listed to exempt your child from the vaccine. Initial and date the box on the right.Due to my religious beliefs, I request an exemption for my child from the required vaccine doses selected above. Affidavit of Immunization Exemption - For Children in Care (English) Number: CCA-1164A Effective Date: Monday, May 1, 2023 Type: Forms File: PDF I am aware that if I change my mind in the future, I can rescind this exemption and obtain immunizations for my child. This document is a religious exemption form for immunizations. It allows parents to opt-out of vaccinations for their children based on religious beliefs. A child is exempt from the applicable immunization requirements in R9-6-702 due to immunity if the child's parent submits to a school or child care: Yes. Arizona. Yes. Yes. Next, provide your initials and the date next to each selected vaccine.