All legal Florida residents are eligible for a Homestead Exemption on their homes, condominiums, co-op apartments, and certain mobile home lots if they qualify. TPP: TPP Exemption Application and Personal Property Tax Return (Form DR-405).Property owners in Florida may be eligible for exemptions and additional benefits that can reduce their property tax liability. Applicant resides in Broward County, Florida, the permanent address of applicant is: Street Address. Net or at the Broward County Property Appraiser office (BCPA) located at 115 South Andrews Avenue. How to Obtain a Florida Consumer's Certificate of Exemption. Filing for Homestead and Other Exemptions. Phone: (954) 357-6830 For information on Homestead Exemption in Broward County, see the Broward County Property Appraiser web site. For information on Homestead Exemption in Broward County, see the Broward County Property Appraiser web site. Return to full list >>.