Complete the Homestead Declaration form. The form must be printed legibly in black ink.The best way to homestead is to go directly to the Clark County recorders office and fill out the form there. The State of Georgia offers homestead exemptions to persons that own and occupy their home as a primary residence. You'll need to enter the Assessor's Parcel Number (APN) for your property. If you live in Clark County, look it up through this link. Return the certification statement no later than 30 days from the date of the letter to the address provided in the letter. Fill in the "Yes" oval if you currently own the property that was your main home on October 1, 2018. If the home or mobile home you are homesteading is in Clark County, you must take or mail your Declaration of Homestead to the Clark County Recorder. If a property owner does not have a tax bill, use the tax payment site here to find out the exact amount owed.