File your claim now through Kansas WebFile. You may file for a homestead exemption up to two years from the date the taxes became delinquent for that tax year.The Jefferson County Service Organization provides assistance in filling out the Homestead Claim form. The Kansas Homestead Claim program is for homeowners who were residents of Kansas for all of 2024. The refund is based on your total household income. The County Clerk's office is happy to assist with filing the Kansas Homestead Claim or the Property Tax Relief Claim ("Safe Senior") The Homestead claim (K-40H) allows a rebate of a portion of the property taxes paid on a Kansas resident's homestead. This program allows eligible homeowners to apply their anticipated Homestead refund to help pay the first half of their property taxes. You may claim either the K-40H (Homestead Claim) or K-40PT (Property Tax Credit) or K-40SVR (Seniors and Disabled Veterans). The homestead can't exceed one acre in a city or 160 acres in a rural area.