Pay property taxes on time. Property Tax Statements are mailed out in October, and are due upon receipt.A homestead exemption removes part of the value from the assessed value of your property and lowers your property taxes. This application is for use in claiming residence homestead exemptions pursuant to Tax Code Sections 11.13, 11.131, 11.132, 11.133 , 11.134, and 11.432. The typical deadline for filing a Collin County homestead exemption application is between January 1 and April 30. Claim homestead on your primary residence. Every homeowner is eligible to file a homestead exemption. A homestead exemption reduces the taxable portion of your home's assessed value, so you pay less in property taxes. With the help of your local CAD, you can easily access what exemptions pertain to your home address. Do you live in the property for which you are seeking this residence homestead exemption?