The homestead exemp- tion provides a reduction in property taxes to qualified senior or disabled citizens, or a surviving spouse, on the dwelling that is that. The homestead exemption allows lowincome senior citizens and permanently and totally disabled Ohioans, to reduce their property tax bills.A homeowners' exemption may also apply to a supplemental assessment. For more information, call (925) 313-7481. The Ohio Homestead Exemption allows low-income older adults and permanently and totally disabled Ohioans to reduce their property tax bills. Are you 65 or older? Are you under 65 and disabled? From purchasing to finance, IT to marketing, shipping to receiving, we're always looking for talented people to add to our team. This Act may be cited as the ''Safe, Account able, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for. Users'' or ''SAFETEA–LU''.