Most homeowners are eligible for this exemption if they own and occupy their property as their principal place of residence. Property tax exemptions are savings that contribute to lowering a homeowner's property tax bill.The most common is the Homeowner Exemption. The BOR accepts exemption applications for approximately 30 days, four times each year. Join us for a workshop to learn about the Cook County Assessor's Office and homeowner exemptions. The General Homestead Exemption is available in all counties except Cook County and may be granted automatically or may require an initial application to be. Cook County has identified the real and potential effects of homestead exemptions as an issue in the administration of its property tax system. Applying for Homestead. To apply or for homestead classification fill out and return to the Assessor's Office a homestead application. The Cook County Assessor's Office administers property tax exemptions that may contribute to lowering veteran's property tax bill.