This annual exemption reduces the Equalized Assessed Value (EAV) of a disabled veteran's home, likely lowering the total tax bill. Applicants must file a Form PTAX-341, Application for Returning Veterans' Homestead Exemption, with the Chief County Assessment Office.Longtime Homeowner Exemption; Home Improvement Exemption; Returning Veterans' Exemption; Disabled Veterans' Exemption; Disabled Persons' Exemption. You may file up to 4 exemptions. Join us for a workshop to learn about the Cook County Assessor's Office and homeowner exemptions. This annual exemption reduces the Equalized Assessed Value (EAV) of a disabled veteran's home, likely lowering the total tax bill. Filling out this form is straightforward. For information and to apply contact the Chief County Assessment Office. Disabled Veterans Homestead Exemption (DVHE).