The homestead exemp- tion provides a reduction in property taxes to qualified senior or disabled citizens, or a surviving spouse, on the dwelling that is that. Cook County has identified the real and potential effects of homestead exemptions as an issue in the administration of its property tax system.Charitable organizations should complete Form PTAX-300, Application for Non-homestead Property Tax Exemption. You must include copies of. If you file for bankruptcy, your property may not have protection unless you've resided in the property for 40 months or more. A homestead exemption may also refer to statutes in some jurisdictions that offer property tax reductions for a primary residence. How does an organization apply for a property tax exemption? Limit on loans taken out after December 15, 2017. Limit when loans exceed the fair market value of the home. Homestead: This exemption can help homeowners reduce state property taxes and protect surviving spouses from creditors.