Age 65 or Older Homestead Exemption. Surviving Spouse of Person Who Received the 65 or Older or Disabled Person Exemption.Residence Homestead Exemption Application (includes Age 65 or Older, Age 55 or Older Surviving Spouse, and Disabled Person Exemption). Generally, the deadline to file an application for an exemption is April 30. GENERAL INFORMATION: Property owners applying for a residence homestead exemption file this form and supporting documentation with the appraisal district in. A completed exemption application form must be filed with the district prior to May 1st. This payment agreement is an option for properties with a homestead exemption. Please contact our Customer Care Center at (214) 653-7811 for more information. This payment agreement is an option for properties with a homestead exemption. Please contact our Customer Care Center at (214) 653-7811 for more information.