To qualify, you must own and reside in your home on January 1 of the year application is made and cannot claim a homestead exemption on any other property. Welcome to Online filing of the.General Residence Homestead Exemption Application for 2024. A Texas property transferred into a Trust can still qualify for the homestead exemption. However, the property must be placed into a qualifying Trust. GENERAL INFORMATION: Property owners applying for a residence homestead exemption file this form and supporting documentation with the appraisal district in. Property transferred to a valid living trust can continue to qualify for Texas homestead exemption, as long as certain requirements are satisfied. Learn How to Preserve Texas Homestead Tax Benefits By Drafting a Qualifying Trust. Keeping your eligibility for the standard homestead exemption is quite simple. To apply, go to the Dallas County Appraisal District web page and search for your property.