If you have moved from one Florida homestead to another within the last three years, you may be eligible to take some of your SOH savings with you. When to file: Application for all exemptions must be made between January 1 and March 1 of the tax year.If you're planning to claim a homestead exemption, you must first apply for a Florida driver's license. In addition to the proof of Florida residency, you must be residing on the property as your primary residence as of January 1st. You must be a Florida resident as of January 1st for the year in which you are applying. 3. All legal Florida residents are eligible for a Homestead Exemption on their homes, condominiums, co-op apartments, and certain mobile home lots if they qualify. You must file a new application for your new residence. March 1 is the filing deadline for each tax year. The deadline to submit a homestead and all exemption applications is March 1 following the year of your home purchase. The most common real property exemption is the homestead exemption.