Contact your local property appraiser if you have questions about your exemption. File the signed application for exemption with the county property appraiser.Filing for Florida's Homestead Exemption can offer you tax savings when you own real estate in Florida. Residence Homestead Exemption Application (includes Age 65 or Older, Age 55 or Older Surviving Spouse, and Disabled Person Exemption). You should complete all required forms and applica ons for the exemp on and file them with your county property appraiser. Welcome to Online filing of the. General Residence Homestead Exemption Application for 2024. After you have created your online account and gathered the required documents necessary to qualify for the exemption that you are applying for. Filing your homestead exemption form can save you thousands of dollars when you buy a home! Make sure you are filing with your county appraisal district.