Property owners in Florida may be eligible for exemptions and additional benefits that can reduce their property tax liability. The homestead can't exceed one acre in a city or 160 acres in a rural area.The Chief County Assessment Office has authority to recapture taxable value in instances where property owners have received homestead benefits erroneously. Applicants must file a Form PTAX-341, Application for Returning Veterans' Homestead Exemption, with the Chief County Assessment Office. A homestead exemption can benefit homeowners if one spouse in a twoincome household dies. I do, however, concur in the conclusion of that opinion to the effect that where a given trust would under present. Apply for Homestead Exemption in Florida. Never Request a Discount Available Only to Illinois Residents, such as Illinois in-state tuition for your children. If title to the home is held in the name of a trust, the applicant must have equitable title or beneficial interest to qualify for the homestead exemption. So, a homestead exemption is a legal provision designed to protect the value in a principal dwelling place.