How to Obtain a Florida Consumer's Certificate of Exemption. Property owners in Florida may be eligible for exemptions and additional benefits that can reduce their property tax liability.The purpose of obtaining an exemption is for officers of a corporation or members of a limited liability company to exclude themselves as employees. As of January 31, 2020, Form 1023 applications for recognition of exemption must be submitted electronically online at The most common real property exemption is the homestead exemption. Application for these exemptions must be made between January 1st and March 1st of the year for which you apply. The initial application must be made in person. First-time applicants must provide proof of age (Driver license, Florida ID, Voter ID, or Birth Certificate). Homestead Exemption Portability (Section 196.031, F.S.). Payroll Services is not permitted to give tax advice regarding your tax status or the number of allowances to claim when completing your Form W-4.