The application for the exemption under Tax Code Section 11.22 is Form 50-135, Disabled Veteran's or Survivor's Exemption Application (PDF). This bill establishes a base taxable value for all taxpayers currently receiving a homestead exemption in Fulton County.For the 100 Percent Disabled Veteran exemption, you'll use the Application for Residence Homestead Exemption (Form 50114). Veterans will need to file an Download this pdf file. Application for Homestead Exemption with their county tax officials. For questions or exemption applications contact the Supervisor of Assessments office. Search For a Tax Bill - This feature allows you to search for a tax bill or bills using a complete or partial parcel ID, account number, or physical address. Check out these 5 simple steps on how to qualify for a homestead exemption. Remember, deadline is April 1!