You must file with the county or city where your home is located. Each county has different applications and required documents.All legal Florida residents are eligible for a Homestead Exemption on their homes, condominiums, co-op apartments, and certain mobile home lots if they qualify. Douglas County has additional exemptions. To receive any homestead exemption, you must apply in person at the Sumter County Tax Assessor's Office or use the online application on this site. Exemptions are filed with the Board of Assessors located at 222 West Oglethorpe Ave. You need to fill out the application which you can get from the board of assessor's office located at 222 West Oglethorpe Ave. How to fill out the Homestead Exemption Application Form Georgia? If received after April 1, the tax assessor will activate the exemption the following year. You do not need to reapply if you refinance your home.