You must file with the county or city where your home is located. Each county has different applications and required documents.Special exemptions are available for citizens 62 years of age and older, disabled veterans and other disabled residents. Copies of pages 1 and 2 from your prior year Federal 1040 and pages 1 through 3 of your prior year Georgia 500 are required. DeKalb County offers our Senior Citizens special property tax exemptions. The qualifying applicant receives a substantial reduction in property taxes. Select all exemption(s) for which you are applying: Basic Homestead Exemption. Trust Affidavit (if the property is in the name of a trust) including the trust documents. As of January 1, 2018, the Senior Citizens Assessment Freeze Homestead Exemption (SCAFHE) QUALIICATIONS HAVE CHANGES. Additional exemptions based on income and disability.