Complete Section 2 if you claim to be exempt from Minnesota income tax withholding (see Secfion 2 instrucfions for qualificafions). Complete Form W-4MN so your employer can withhold the correct Minnesota income tax from your pay.All nonresident alien employees must fill out two W-4 forms at the time of hire, one for Federal withholding and one for State withholding. Homestead status can save you money on your property taxes. Individual taxpayer identification numbers now qualify property owners for homestead exclusion. Calculate how much you can expect to pay in property taxes on your home in Hennepin County, Minnesota. Compare your rate to the state and national average. Did you get a Summons to Jury Service in the Mail? Section 501(c)(3) and 501(c)(4) organizations must complete all columns. How would you rate your experience using SmartAsset's financial advisor matching service so far?