We are providing this service in an attempt to make filing for homestead exemption and other personal exemptions more convenient for you, the property owner. File for a homestead or any other property tax exemption.Discuss the assessed value or exemption status of your property. Visit the Hillsborough County Property Appraiser's website or office. March 1 is the statutory deadline to file a Homestead Exemption application with our office. The Homestead Exemption is a legal mechanism designed to provide qualified homeowners with a reduction in their property's taxable value. The homestead exemption and Save Our Homes assessment limitation help thousands of Florida homeowners save money on their property taxes every year. The social security number will be used to verify taxpayer identity and homestead exemption information submitted to property appraisers. Continued on page 2. Submit all applications and documentation to the property appraiser in the county where the property is located.