The Chief County Assessment Office has authority to recapture taxable value in instances where property owners have received homestead benefits erroneously. You can apply for the exemption online or at the Township Assessor's office.An annual verification of eligibility must be filled out each year. The exemption may be claimed in addition to the General Homestead Exemption. Your organization should submit their request to us using MyTax Illinois or at the address located at the end of this section. The applicant must have owned and occupied the property as of January 1 and must have been 65 years of age or older during the tax year in question. Many states will require that you live in your home as a primary residence to qualify for a property tax exemption. This also applies to out of state properties (ex. McLean County mails a PTAX-340 each year to any person currently receiving the Senior Citizens Homestead Exemption.