For other questions you may have, please contact the Office of the Tax Assessor-Collector at 210-335-2251 for personalized assistance. A property tax exemption is like a discount applied to your EAV.If you qualify for an exemption, it allows you to lower your EAV. The Residential Homestead Exemption Form along with other forms used at the Bexar Appraisal District can be found on their website. Suprsfiie Court, U.b.. FIIXO. Explore climate change beliefs, risk perceptions, and policy support at every geographic level in the United States. This portal will provide you with links to resources that can help you start or grow your business. H. "Annual Remediation Payment. " The amount payable to the Settlement Fund by. This form of relief to be found in the reclamation act of 1902 and in each of its several subsequent amendments.